- She has been a delight of a guest, a cool movie-watching partner and a skilled co-pilot... she managed to leave me with an addiction to Ukrainian candies :-) [Франция, 35, инженер]
- i knew i was onto a winner when after knowing her for 5 minutes she was telling me about apples getting stuck at the border!!! ...see you next time in the swallows nest, i'll bring my best pub tie!! [Ирландия, 24, студент]
- is really good at motivating others... [Вьетнам]
- Although it was not our destiny (whatever that means) to spent much time together in person, I really admire her positive attitude and endurance when it comes those petty discouraging things that sometimes happen in life. [Словакия. 28, IT]
- inspired me to travel on the East part of Europe... my door will always be open for you whenever you wish to come back. [Италия, учительница немецкого, 51 год]
- I was honoured and lucky to host (for my very first time) Maria ... is a crazy globetrotter... [Италия, студентка, 24; теперь уже в Китае]
- It was hard for me with my poor Russian but after 2 days now I'm thinking about keep on studying and visit soon Crimea! [Италия, 37, пожарник]
- To fully understand how this CS experience went you really need to watch some Russian cartoons called "Masha and the bear"... The whole CS experience with Masha in Romania was lots of fun ... she even cooked (good food) in my kitchen ... that was a premiere... [Румыния, 28, IT]
- she helped with my russian ( i always thought i would speak it but i realize now i dont....at all)... [Германия, 27, студент-врач]
- Maria is my bitch!.. Sometimes she can be stubborn cause she is perfectionist, but that's just part of her personality
- in her luggage a man could travel.... if there is no food at home, or blanket she just pull out of the big ˝cupboard˝ and the life goes on just like it should... [Венгрия, 28, телекоммуникации]
- she knows how to get in trouble and then finds an extremely short way out... [Украина, 29, IT]
- Her energy level is very intimidating...
- I was delighted to witness Maria's singing of "Country Roads" after we won the game... [США: Вашингтон, 56, экономист]
- Oh, and if Maria will be in your house, do her a company during her luggage packing, for sure you will have a lot of fun! (Please Maria, forgive me, but i HAD to write this down! ) [Словакия, 24, студентка; теперь уже США].